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 dutch version
whe have also got a dutch version

dutch version

 is member better
better? its way more better! i am member myself and i can tell you that that $5 a month is worth it! realy

 hypercam and speedtalker
here do whe have speedtalker and hypercam. hypercam is a program that records your character if you want that. so you can watch it back-send it to frends as a dynamic card;) or put in on the internet speedtalker is a program with if you type in something in that program and you click on it like:flash and click ok then your character says the words you typed in

hypercam 2

what is merschant? is the most asked question of a lot ppl whell, it happends always around you. if you want to buy a whip but you dont got enough cash do this. if you have like 400k buy a obby shield for like 300-325k and sell it for 350k so you can have profit. this is called merchant and you can do it with almost every item(ofcourse not with a wooden shield couse it doesnt have enough value.

 wrong glitch
it goes around that if you are in front of the kitchendoor of the castle of lumbridge a genie appears but thats a faul it doesnt do that. me and some frends have been so nice for you to check it out and after 20 minutes no genie. so there is no change of tryin it it is just a waste of time

are you new?? click on the link and make your free account

get a free new account
play runescape

 recovery questions
what are recovery questions? recovery questions are qustions that you can type in if your acc is hacked or if you havegot a lost password. if this is the problem, go to the main menu of runescape and click on the link that tells your problem and typ in your questions. this way you can get your acc back for sure. so make those questions.

plz be patient on your behaviour!!!!!!!! jagex didn't make those !!13!! rules for fun!!!!!

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 the falador massacre
this is true happend: on 6th of juni 2006(666)something terrible happend. the very bad player dural321 found a glitch so he can attack all ppl over the whole runescape world and the other ppl could attack other ppl. it just became a war. a lot of jagex moderators and player moderators where setup to tell to everyone to put them items on the bank and logout as quick as possible. this could be the end of runescape... come that durial321 found the glitch that could change the whole game?? it was like this. cursed_you was one of the first ppl that has his construction at almost 99 and he made a pk cave under his home. he called everyone to go to his house he didnt realise that there could be activate a glitch...)and they did that. and then..the cave became to full and everyone get teleported outside the house but still with the ability to kill other ppl just like in the cave. more then 100 ppl get banned couse they join the war. a lot of ppl didnt make it. so::pk has his home in the wildy not in falador and other places so you wanna pk?go to the wildy.

the falador massacre

here are the highscores

the highscores

 the city guide
here is the city guide from underground pass to the home of frankenstein

city guide

 the guild guide
here is the best guild guide of every guild

guild guide

 the skill guide
here is the guide of every skill in runescape

skill guide

 the item database
the itemdatabase of every item you want the price of or if you want where you can find it or if you dont know sure if you need to do a quest for it

item database

 treasure trails
the treasure trails guide

the treasure trails guide

 the quest database
here is the quest database

the quest guide

 the monster database
here whe have the monster database

monster database

 the website
this website is from neopythe1992 you can find me in runescape to ask questions or make suggestions for my site

 protection of your account
the importants thing of all is the protection of your account. a lot of scammers and hackers just walk like (normal) ppl through the runescape world hunting for high lvld account with owners that do everything for a other. and:NEVER DOWNLOAD ANY UNSIGNED STUFF AND PROGRAMS. now you would think:wait a sec. you are putting programs on it to. yes i do couse these are signed under the name''maakjestart'' you see so it is safe but... autominer-woodcutter etc arent safe ppl say that autoprograms are training your account by themselfs but no way!!! they do this...if you have downloaded the program and you are running it, and you will login in runescape, the program is sending codes to the owner of the program and the codes are:your pass:your acc name and if you have one a bank pin but always use a bankpin!!!! and recovery questions. and ppl cant trim armor even members can't so dont get tricked in that stuff always play fair couse there arent shortcuts or cheats for runescape. zezima and uloveme and other 126 lvls are become like that couse they played by the runescape rules!! the rules arent there for fun!!!!!

here are some abbreviations that is used by players. tt--treasure trail brb--be right back cya--see you l8ter--later m8--mate wtf--what the fuck omg--o my god lmao--laughing my ass off lag--bad connection with jagex massive lag--very bad connection with jagex(possible when a lot of ppl are in the same place in the same world

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